Bloating, weight gain, headaches and exhaustion had become part and parcel of daily life

By Eloise Palms *

For the last 12 years I’ve been unwell and for the last five years my situation has been chronic. I was suffering with thyroid issues, osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia – this meant I was in a lot of pain and tired all the time.

Most days I would need to nap - for at least two hours, or I wouldn’t have enough energy to get through the day. I was having enough sleep, but still felt exhausted.

I had always been a very positive and energetic person, but for years I felt like the little red engine that couldn’t do anything.

One of the other major problems, was excessive bloating and constipation. I’m not a big person – I’m 159cm, and I’ve always been lean. But in the last years I had put on 15kg - the strange thing was that I was still exercising and leading a healthy lifestyle. I would do at least an hour a day either swimming, walking or yoga. I never ate sugar and mostly stuck to really healthy food. Despite all of this I had a big, bloated stomach - it was really awful and debilitating.

When the bloating got bad, which was every fortnight or so, I tended to get a migraine – and these could last up to two- or three-days. During that time, I couldn’t go anywhere, I could barely get out of bed. I was given strong medication but didn’t like taking it, as its highly addictive. So, I would wait it out and just shut down.

Nothing was working

I went to see doctor after doctor, and multiple specialists. No one could get to the bottom of what was going on – until I met Jo. By then, I was ready to look further than Western Medicine.

When I met Jo I was really ill and needed help. She immediately picked up what was wrong with me by feeling my pulse. It’s interesting I had forgotten about the three significant tic bites I had had in the last five years – they caused me to have an anaphylactic reaction and I ended up in hospital. She picked up the parasitic toxins in my system. She also treated the constipation and bloating which relieved the headaches.

The new me

Now I feel like a new person. I’ve had traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and Ayurvedic treatment; I also did the 7 Day Ayurvedic Yoga Detox last month. This was really the turning point for me, since then the weight has been falling off – I’m down 12kg and feeling 90 percent better.

The headaches went away almost straight away – they were gone after a month with Ayurvedic treatment. The bloating improved significantly by the end of the 7 day detox, now just sometimes my energy lags a bit late afternoon but not nearly to the extent that it had before. I think one of the biggest factors for me was doing yoga every single day. We did it for an hour in the morning each day.

Now I’m extremely buzzy, I have my energy back and there’s no more sleeping during the day. I’m flying through my work and feeling great, better than I’ve felt in probably 20 years.

I should have done a detox earlier, but I don’t know if I would have been able to handle it – I wasn’t well enough.

*names have been changed

If you want help

Here’s an article Jo Formosa has written which offers a lot more information about treating headaches.

If you have any health issues that you want help treating, call the clinic on (07) 3255 0671 or email

  • Hello Jo and team. I want to do the Health Dynamics test and was looking at doing it via the Genius U website. I see it costs USD197 if I remember rightly…but if I remember rightly, it is part of the Detox package I ordered. So do I purchase it via Genius U and then get a refund, or can you send me a link another way…maybe by email…to do it please? I am SO excited to get cracking on all of this – so not only I get well, but also can share my knowledge of Heartmath and even Meditation and become a Dynamic Health Consultant too. My mobile is 0490 035765 if you would like to speak with me.

    • Jo Formosa says:

      Hi Maggie, Sorry for the delay in getting back to you but I see you have now done the test and are moving forward with your Health Dynamics journey. Feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.

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