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  • Four-Step Body Mind Reset Program

Four-Step Body Mind Reset Program

Premium program

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About the Four-Step Body Mind Reset Program

Join the thousands of people who have taken back control of their health to live life with more energy, better sleep, and a body that looks great and feels great to be in.

3 Lessons

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Premium program Logistics

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Premium program Program Schedule

Refer to this page for our program schedule, including dates and times for our group coaching calls.

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Premium program Health Spectrum Test

Video lesson

Premium program Health Dynamics Test

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Premium program Vikruti Test

Video lesson

Premium program Toxicity Test

3 Lessons

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Premium program Welcome to Prep Week

Prep week is your opportunity to 'warm up' before we start on Step 1 next week. It's your chance to start releasing some habits and routines that may not support your health and to take on some that do. You don't have to do everything at once as that can cause you undue stress. Ease yourself into things and enjoy the journey.

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Premium program Prep Week Recipes

Get ready to enjoy some of the tastiest health foods you've ever had...

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Premium program Supplies

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Premium program Step One Call Recording

Access your Step One Group Coaching Call Recording here

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Premium program Step Two Call Recording

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Premium program Step Three Call Recording

Recorded July 4th , 2022

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Premium program Step Four Call Recording

July 11th, 2022

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Premium program Step One Meal Plan

In Step 1 it's time to get your body mind reset into gear and commit to the eating program.

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Premium program Your Prescription Herbs

Here's your routine for taking the herbs that are included in your program.

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Premium program Knowing Your Body Type

This is also fundamental for your understanding of optimal health. If you've ever wondered why we all get such different results from different eating, exercise and wellness habits, this lesson will help unravel that for you.

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Premium program Vata Body Types

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Premium program Pitta Body Types

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Premium program Kapha Body Types

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Premium program Step Two Meal Plan

This week we're going to refine our eating even more, paying particular attention to what we eat and when we eat in the evening. In essence we're easing the burden on our digestive system so it can work overnight with maximum efficiency.

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Premium program What is Ama?

You'll be hearing a lot about 'Ama' over the course of the program. Ama is the toxic build up in the body that causes inflammation, aggravation and disease. The whole detox process is about removing Ama from the body.

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Have you ever stopped to think where fat actually goes when we lose weight? You might be surprised to hear that it's exhaled through the breath.

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Premium program Step Three Meal Plan

Now we're getting into the serious part of the program. Don't worry though, the food is still delicious!

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Premium program Knowing Your Mind Type

Knowing your mind type is critical for optimal health and Health Dynamics is one of the few approaches to health that incorporates this as a fundamental lesson,

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Learn more about the Wealth Dynamics Mind Types and the origin of the profiles.

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Premium program Vata-Pitta Star Example

This is the first of three different Health Dynamics Profiles to help you understand how each profile views the world differently and the influence of their health profile on how they experience the world.

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Premium program Pitta-Vata Star Example

Another Health Dynamics Profile example. Note the similarities and differences between the previous Vata-Pitta profile and this Vata-Pitta profile.

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Premium program Pitta-Vata Lord Example

This time you can compare the differences between the previous examples, both of which were a Star, with this Pitta-Vata Lord profile. Note the contrast between how a Lord views the world and how a Star views the world.

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Premium program Mastering Your Mind

One of the great sources of stress for most people is a mind that they feel they cannot control. In this lesson, Jo shares how you can begin mastering the mind and take back control of how you think.

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Premium program Step Four Meal Plan

More delicious foods to enjoy in this final week of the program.

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You are what you eat but how does your body actually process the food you eat??

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Premium program What is Ojas?

One of the things that sets Ayurveda apart from other health practices is the knowledge of 'ojas' the finest product of digestion.

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Premium program Ayurvedic Nutrition

Of all the health sciences, Ayurveda is probably the one that puts the strongest emphasis on nutrition. Watch this lesson to deepen your understanding of this approach.

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Who knew there was so much to know about the importance of taste with food? Stand by to learn even more about this fascinating subject.

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You're nearing the end of your program now so it's time to think about your eating routine after the program has ended.

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Premium program Intermittent Fasting

Another common trend these days is intermittent fasting, but it's not for everyone...

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As you learned at the beginning of the program, Dinacharya, or daily routine, is at the heart of Ayurveda.

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Premium program What’s Your Strategy?

Now that you've completed all the content, what's your strategy to keep yourself moving towards the healthiest version of yourself that you can be?

About the Teacher

Jo Formosa

Founder of Health Dynamics 360 & Back2Health Clinics, Ayurvedic Medicine Practitioner and Acupuncturist,
Dip. App Science in Acupuncture,
Dip RMT,
Cert IV – Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant
Member A.A.C.M.A

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